undefinedCoalition Home Working to pass Genetic Nondiscrimination Legislation
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Nondiscrimination Act
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Executive Committee

Sharon F. Terry, Chair,
Genetic Alliance

Cynthia Pellegrini,
American Academy of Pediatrics

Derek Scholes,
American Heart Association

Joann Boughman,
American Society of Human Genetics

Timothy Leshan,
Brown University

Marla Gilson,

Barbara Harrison,
National Society of Genetic Counselors

Jeremy Gruber,
Council for Responsible Genetics


For Clinicians and Healthcare Providers

GINA does not restrict genetic services, the practice of medicine, or the authority of healthcare professionals, whether or not they may be affiliated with a health plan issuer or an employer. Clinicians and healthcare providers can recommend that an individual or an individual's family member undergoes a genetic test for the purposes of that individual's medical benefit.

Last Updated: November 10, 2008

Please contact Andria Cornell at (202) 966-5557 x207 or acornell@geneticalliance.org with any questions about the Coalition for Genetic Fairness and its activities.


4301 Connecticut Avenue NW #404, Washington DC 20008-2369 | Phone: 202.966.5557 x207 | Fax: 202.966.8553
(c) Copyright 2004-2009